Who Is Our Neighbor?
Last week we held our first Know Justice, Know Peace Bible Discussion out in the New Joy Pavilion. We began by listening deeply to Scripture – using the Collatio method we’ve used at New Joy for Praying the Psalms.
We are often the person walking to the other side of the road to avoid the one in need.
Join Us on Thursdays at 8pm
Know Justice, Know Peace Bible Discussion
We gather in the pavilion at New Joy. Bring a chair and a listening ear.
For full details, click here.
The process involves three basic steps:
1. listening to Scripture followed by silence
2. listening to Scripture, and listening to the word, phrase, or image that is stirred up in the hearts of those gathered
3. listening to Scripture, and listening deeply to one another as we consider what this text is telling us about our lives together
4. following the discussion we conclude with one final listening to Scripture and conclude with prayer.
Our time together begins with meditative listening, and crescendos toward a lively conversation exploring the text’s wisdom for our life together.
We read the “Good Samaritan” story from Luke 10:25-37, in which two religious leaders avoid helping a man left for dead in the road but a common Samaritan – a man from a religious group seen as heretical and undesirable – aids and comforts the injured man.
Here is just some of the wisdom heard as we listened to Scripture and each other:
we are often the person walking to the other side of the road, avoiding the one in need
like the religious leaders who avoided helping the left-for-dead man, we often avoid helping those in need, even as we also know God’s call to love and care for the suffering
sometimes we are paralyzed by “what-ifs” – what if the man harms us? What if he is sick? What if I don’t know how to help? The what ifs, fears, uncertainty keep us on the sidelines
the call to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and strength is a big ask. Can we even do that?
help, and holiness, can come from unexpected people and places – even “heretics” and outsiders
people who should know better – in this case, religious leaders – can fail to do the right thing
maybe loving God looks like loving our neighbor
how do you think the conversation between the wounded man and the Samaritan went after the man woke up and found that he had been rescued from certain death?
I give thanks to God for our gathering last Thursday night – for the faithful listening, the curiosity, the fellowship, and the sharing of insights and ideas.
Please join us on Thursday nights at 8pm this summer for Know Justice, Know Peace in the pavilion at New Joy. Bring a chair and a listening ear.
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