The History of New Joy

– a timeline

History of New Joy


November. Pastor Connie Thomson moved to Westfield from Madison WI.


February. Pastor Connie begins knocking on 4000 doors

March. “Night of Joy” fellowship gatherings begin in homes

May. “Story Group” Leadership team first meets

August. “Joy Days for Kids” Vacation Bible School is New Joy’s first large gathering

October. The first of 62,000 invitational postcards are mailed for worship service to be held in Oak Trace Elementary School

December. First Christmas Eve worship celebrated


January. First weekly worship service, 140 community members attend

April. Dinner Shuffle fellowship meals begin


January. Small Group ministry begins.

January. Ministry Planning, Building Study, Constitution and Spirit Teams begin meeting

March. Youth Ministry program  begins

July. First Annual Youth Mission trip - to Washington, DC

August. Call Committee begins meeting and chooses to call Connie Thomson as the first Pastor of New Joy

 October. Men’s Group starts meeting

December. New Joy’s Official Organization Sunday


March. 11 leaders attend Via De Cristo weekend at Lutheran Hills Camp.

March. New Joy’s office moves into their “Ministry Center” 3 blocks from their land to host our offices, classes, weekday worship and various ministries


February. First Women’s Retreat is held

March. Donated nearly a ton of clothes to people in the Ukraine


September. Circle of Joy Women’s Ministry begins meeting to knit scarves, hats and
prayer shawls for people in need


January. Organized and commissioned our Building Team


January. Paid off mortgage on land and burned it outside (in the snow) one Sunday
before worship

March. 23 adults traveled to New Orleans, LA for the first Adult Mission Trip through Lutheran Disaster Response

Summer. Youth Mission Trip to Toronto, Canada

September. New Joy hosts a Groundbreaking Celebration for its new church building!


March. 2nd Adult Mission Trip to New Orleans, LA through Lutheran Disaster Response

June. Held our first church service in our new building!

October. First wedding in our new building, Morgan Hughes and Chris Studer


March. New Joy begins offering two worship services, 8:00 am and 9:45 am

August–November. Pastor Connie goes on a “Hills & Valleys” Sabbatical


Spring. The “New Joy Garden” is started by George Willman

October. New Joy had 99 participants in the Hamilton County CROP Hunger Walk!


Summer. Youth Mission Trip to South Dakota

October. First Annual Harvest Festival


February. Pastor Connie’s last Sunday; she accepts a call to Virginia

March. Call Committee formed to call new Pastor

December. Celebrated “Ten Years of Joy” with a special dinner


January. A group of New Joy women and girls sewed dresses and shorts for an
orphanage in Ghana

July. Hosted the ordination service of Brian Gegel, a former New Joy Partner

July. Youth Mission Trip to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering

September. 2nd Annual Harvest Festival


May. Special Congregational Meeting to vote on calling Pastor Chris Duckworth as our next pastor

June. Chris Duckworth installed as our new pastor

July. Youth Mission Trip to Blue Knob, Pennsylvania


June. Roundabout goes in at corner of Springmill and 156th Street— adopted by New Joy


August. Dedication of New Joy Memorial Garden, with former Partner and Interim Pastor Heather McCulloch laid to rest in the garden

October. First Annual Trunk or Treat event to take the place of Harvest Festival

July. Youth Mission Trip to Blue Knob, Pennsylvania


April. Mission Trip to Chambrun, Haiti with Nehemiah Vision Ministries (8 youth, 9 adults)


May. Pastor Chris notifies congregation of his up-coming deployment in 2019

September. Will Bevins becomes our Intern/Interim Pastor for the time Pastor Chris is deployed


January. Send-off services for Pastor Chris’s deployment

August. Mission Trip to Fondwa, Haiti with Zanmi Fondwa, 9 adults and 1 youth

September. Began construction on New Joy pavilion

September. Opened the New Joy Preschool


February. Welcome Pastor Chris back from deployment

March. All in-person worship suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic

March. Began live-streaming worship services

July. Began holding worship services outdoors in our pavilion while weather permitted

September. held ordination for Vicar Will Bevins in our pavilion


March. Chartered Scouts BSA Troops 1910 and 1920

August. Returned to in-person worship