Second Take conversation

Sermon in Progress: my Second Take

Earlier this week at my clergy text study and New Joy’s Wednesday Bible Study I had my First Look at Sunday’s Scripture. After some study, prayer, reflection and conversation, here’s my Second Take.   Our readings for Sunday are: Daniel 12:1-3 The deliverance of God’s people at the end Psalm 16 My...

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Wealth, Justice, and the Kingdome of God

Wealth, Justice, and the Kingdom of God

Wealth, Justice, and the Kingdom of God For the second week in a row, I neglected to address in my sermon the elephant stomping around the Sunday Scripture readings. Last week I did not speak about marriage and divorce – which were central themes in both the Genesis and Mark...

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Who Is Our Neighbor?

Who Is Our Neighbor?

Who Is Our Neighbor? Last week we held our first Know Justice, Know Peace Bible Discussion out in the New Joy Pavilion. We began by listening deeply to Scripture – using the Collatio method we’ve used at New Joy for Praying the Psalms.  

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