Our Adult Learning & Fellowship is comprised of a variety of weekly and less-regular gatherings.
Women's Devotion Group
Women of all ages are invited to join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month for food, fellowship and a time of devotion. Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm. We meet in someone's home on some Thursdays and at New Joy at other times. You may call the church office (317) 896-1402 to find the meeting location for a particular week.
Midweek Bible Study
Midweek Bible Study reads the Gospel and other Scripture appointed for the upcoming Sunday, preparing our hearts and minds to hear the Word of God in worship on Sunday. This group also keeps our congregation's primary prayer list, including names of the sick for our petitions in Sunday worship.
New Bible Study
New Bible Study uses a thematic curriculum that follows the seasons of the Church Year, including Advent and Lent. Weekly Bible readings and discussion address faith questions and suggestions for developing spiritual practices that nurture your faith (prayer, confession, worship, mindfulness, solitude, community, hospitality, neighboring, service, and celebration).
Men's Group
Men's Group meets twice monthly for breakfast and Bible/book studies throughout the year. They have done book studies on Revelation, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer.
Joyful Girls
The Joyful Girls meet each month on the first Thursday at a different restaurant in the area for good food and even better fellowship! We meet at 6:30 pm, and you may contact the church office to find out what restaurant we will be visiting that month. Joyful Girls is open to any woman 50 or over, but we also welcome anyone younger to join us if they wish. We like to say golden is not an age, it is a personality!
Seasoned Believers
Our Seasoned Believers (our retired partners) meet each Tuesday morning at 9:00 am at Chick-fil-A, 14647 Thatcher Lane, Carmel, for coffee and fellowship. All men and women are invited to come join in the conversation.
Member Care Ministry
Encouraging people to help and care for others within the New Joy Lutheran family through greeting cards and flowers, caring meals, and other ways of spreading some cheer where it is needed.