Children, Youth, and Families

Our Children, Youth, & Families Ministry provides an exciting opportunity for kids and youth to discover their role in God’s big story! We are committed to partnering with parents to help kids develop a faith that connects them with God, others, and the world.

Christian Learning

Grades 5 and below

At certain times during the year we offer short series of faith learning on Sunday mornings, including a three-week Holy Communion Class in the fall, a six-week Christmas Story series that prepares us to tell the story of Jesus’ birth at our annual Christmas Pageant, and a Passion-themed series every spring.

Together Growing in Faith

Grades 4–7 Youth Group

TGIF – Together Growing in Faith meets about twice/month during the school year. The kids come together for fellowship, faith discussions and service projects.

Confirmation Class

Grades 7 & 8 Youth Group

In Confirmation Class, the 7th & 8th graders focus on learning about the Bible and the Lutheran Church, sharing a meal together, and going on field trips to explore God’s promises in the world. They meet about 2-3 times/month during the school year.

Senior High Youth Group

Grades 9–12 Youth Group

Our Senior High Youth meet almost weekly on Sundays following worship during the school year for faith discussions, prayer, and games.

Messy Church

For all ages — both kids & adults

Once a month during the school year all ages gather on a Wednesday evening for a meal, fellowship, faith exploration stations, and worship – all in less than two hours. Come as you can, leave when you have to. There is no cost to attend Messy Church and registration is not necessary.

Vacation Bible School

All ages can be involved!

Each summer we transform our church space into a vibrant place of faith exploration. While children sign up for the activities, all ages are involved sharing and receiving the promise of faith as over 80 children and nearly as many youth and adults join in the fun and faith of this special week.




Please check the Church Calendar for dates & times — or call the office at (317) 896-1402.