Worship is deeply Biblical at New Joy
The Bible is read, sung, and proclaimed
throughout our worship services.
Lutheran worship has two main centers:
Word & Sacrament
This is part of an ancient tradition of Christian worship that is recorded in the book of Acts:
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
In the Word portion of our service we read a story from Scripture. From September through May, we read from a lectionary – a reading schedule – called the Narrative Lectionary. We move through the Bible’s story from Genesis to Jesus and the Early Church. On Sunday mornings we usually read just one passage from the Bible.
We usually read an entire story, not just a single or small number of verses. We’ll read five, ten, twenty verses or even an entire chapter. The wisdom of Scripture, the movement and mercy of God, is found as we listen to the story unfold. Pastor preaches on the story, usually tying God’s story into our story, helping us make connections between Scripture and our lives.
The other main center of worship is the sharing of Holy Communion, one of two sacraments in the Lutheran church. Holy Communion is the meal our Lord shared with his disciples in his Last Supper, and about which Paul instructs the early church at Corinth. In fact, the Words of Institution we use during Holy Communion are taken directly from 1 Corinthians. Sometimes we sing a “sanctus,” a traditional song of praise that includes verses from Isaiah, Revelation, and Mark.