When Would I Deny Someone Holy Communion?

When Would I Deny Someone Holy Communion?

When Would I Deny Someone Holy Communion? The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is considering a statement on communion practices that could deny admission to the Lord’s Table to politicians who support pro-choice public policies. The Roman Catholic Church carefully stewards the Eucharist, welcoming to the Table those in communion...

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Home Communion Guidelines

Coronavirus Home Communion Update

Order for Sharing Holy Communion During Social Distancing March 25, 2020 Download the Instructions If you are unable to join in the livestream service: Live on Sundays at 9:30 am, or an archived recording of the service at a later time – use this order of prayer together with the...

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Holy Communion during the coronavirus outbreak

Holy Communion Amidst the Coronavirus Disruption

Holy Communion Amidst the Coronavirus Disruption The coronavirus has ushered us into a time of disruption. Our homelives are disrupted. Schools are disrupted. Business and the economy are disrupted. And most certainly, the medical community is disrupted. The church, too, is disrupted. We’re scattered in our homes, unable to come...

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