Who Is Our Neighbor?
Who Is Our Neighbor? Last week we held our first Know Justice, Know Peace Bible Discussion out in the New Joy Pavilion. We began by listening deeply to Scripture – using the Collatio method we’ve used at New Joy for Praying the Psalms.
Job Opening: Office Manager
Job Opening at New Joy Lutheran The New Joy Personnel Team is actively looking for a person to fill the role of Office Manager. Please consider sharing this opportunity within your networks, or consider your own call to serve the church in this way. All interested applicants: Please submit a resume and letter/email stating interest... Continue reading→
Know Justice, Know Peace
A Public Bible Exploration Series
“Purity Culture” vs “Promise Culture”
"Purity Culture" vs. "Promise Culture"
Fasting from the Feast During Lent
Fasting from the Feast During Lent Admittedly it’s an odd fast to keep, to give up Holy Communion during Lent. Our church teaches that in the bread and cup of Holy Communion our Lord gives himself to us in a special way. “This is my body, given for you. This is my blood, shed for... Continue reading→
Waiting and Worshiping Together this Christmas
Waiting & Worshiping Together this Christmas Our Advent waiting this year feels much more poignant, or urgent, or in-our-face than usual. We’re waiting for Jesus to come – in Bethlehem, in our Christmas celebrations, yes – and also, most importantly, in the promised time to come. This season is designed to train Christians to keep... Continue reading→
Stewardship 2020
Beloved in Christ at New Joy, As the Israelites were defeated and taken captive into Babylon, they cried out, “How can we possibly sing the LORD’s song on foreign soil?” (Psalm 137:4) Their lament was one of being uprooted and disrupted, and of seeing the promise of the temple and their land taken away from... Continue reading→
A Time of Transition
Dear People of New Joy, Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time for everything under the sun. This month, it is time for me to resign my commission as an officer and chaplain in the United States Army and the Indiana Army National Guard. It has been the honor of a lifetime to... Continue reading→
Challenge & Blessing: An Invitation to Read in Community
Challenge & Blessing: An Invitation to Read in Community Next month I invite you to read Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US with me and with others at New Joy. In this short book Pastor Lenny Duncan, a Black Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church... Continue reading→
The Way of the Cross
With Appreciation I walked into my office on Tuesday to find gifts and cards strewn over my desk. It was Pastor Appreciation Day. I had no idea. At a time when I’m feeling like I’m at the end of my rope – the layers of emotional and spiritual weariness I’ve been bearing since the deployment... Continue reading→