Men's Group Breakfast & Bible Study
Approximately twice-a-month
Saturday Mornings 8 am
Meeting approximately twice/month on Saturdays at 8am, the Men's Group gathers for Breakfast and Bible Study.
We are using a new book for this season of Men's group. The Gospel of Mark, by Professor Amy-Jill Levine, will walk us through the basics of Mark's Gospel. This December we will begin a new church year which will feature Mark as our main Gospel reading.
A limited number of copies of the book are available for pick-up in the church entranceway (we over bought copies of the previous study, so we kept this order smaller). Additional copies - print and ebook - are available at this link and also from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers. A $10 donation to defray the cost of the book is helpful but not required.
Dates for our upcoming gatherings:
September 30 - Chapter 1, The Good News Begins: Mark 1-4
October 14 - Chapter 2, Restoring Purity and Wholeness: Mark 5-7
October 28 - Chapter 3, Sacrifice, Ransom, Prophet, Messiah: Mark 8-10
November 11 - Chapter 4, Fig Trees and Tenants: Mark 11-12
December 2 - Chapter 5, The Little Apocalypse: Mark 13
December 16 - Chapter 6, Judas Iscariot and the Naked Young Man: Mark 14-15
Open to all members of our community. Visit or contact the church at church office or (317) 896-1402 to pick up a book and get access online to the videos.